Everything you need to know about Cloud Hybrid Search

Summary: This article discusses the new cloud hybrid search service application. Use this article to configure cloud hybrid search in your organization and learn what you need to know.

What is cloud hybrid search
In the past, Microsoft has attempted to provide hybrid search scenarios between your on-premises SharePoint environment and SharePoint Online. These solutions were based on query federation. For instance, when you searched for a document in SharePoint Online in your on-premises environment, the query would be sent to the on-premises environment, and the results are returned back to the user in SharePoint Online. Microsoft released a script to automate this: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/spses/archive/2015/11/17/office-365-sharepoint-hybrid-configuration-wizard.aspx.

In September 2015, Microsoft released the new cloud hybrid search service application.

Instead of using query federation to surface results in your environment, it relies on indexing your on-premises content in Office 365. This takes away a lot of complexity setting it up, and makes it possible to mix results from SharePoint on-premises and Office 365 in a single result block. You can set up this new feature using SharePoint 2013 or SharePoint 2016.

Figure 1 shows a representation of the “old” hybrid search architecture and figure 2 shows the “new” hybrid search architecture.
Hybrid federated search architecture (old)
Figure 1: Hybrid federated search architecture

In this old scenario, the user enters a query in the on-premises search center. SharePoint sends the query to the on-premises query component and the SharePoint Online query component. Results cannot be interleaved out-of-the-box in this scenario, as there are separated indexes for SharePoint on-premises and SharePoint Online. However, there are several third-party solutions available that make it possible.
New cloud hybrid search architecture

Figure 2: New cloud hybrid search architecture

In this scenario, the cloud search service crawls the content sources on-premises and sends the parsed content to the SharePoint Online content processing component. After processing the content and doing ACL mapping – for security trimming purposes – the data is saved in the SharePoint Online index. Because the index is saved online, it is now possible to interleave results in your search results and use the data in Delve.

Please note that the new cloud hybrid search is still in preview, so things might change along the way!

If you want your on-premises SharePoint to show SharePoint Online results, you still have to configure the outgoing federated hybrid search. See the following link for more information: http://blogs.technet.com/b/wbaer/archive/2014/03/24/one-way-outbound-hybrid-search-step-by-step-and-onedrive-for-business.aspx

Why cloud hybrid search
Not all companies are ready to make the move to the cloud for all their workloads. In order to help customers make the move for specific workloads, Microsoft now provides an easy way to gradually move to the cloud while maintaining a great search experience for end users.

By using the new Cloud hybrid search solution, users are able to search content from the following sources from within SharePoint Online:

  • SharePoint 2007/2010/2013/2016
  • File shares
  • BCS

The index for all these sources is indexed in Office 365, which gives Microsoft the ability to interleave results across sources based on relevancy, use the Office 365 ranking model and even include all of this in Delve!

Organizations can also scale down search infrastructure as content processing and analytics are handled by Office 365.

Prerequisites for cloud hybrid search
In order to use the new Hybrid search functionality, make sure you have installed the following prerequisites for your environment.

SharePoint on-premises

  • If you use SharePoint 2013, make sure you installed the August 2015 CU or later. I recommend the latest CU without known regressions, as there have been improvements to the hybrid search.
  • Public preview of SharePoint 2016 IT Preview.

Office 365
The cloud search service application is currently not available for customers outside the regular Office 365 multitenant service, including China data center customers and Government cloud customers.
Account synchronization
Accounts need to be synchronized to Office 365 in order to have a single identity for users. All users that want to make use of Office 365 hybrid search need a SharePoint Online license assigned.

The tools below are supported to perform directory synchronization:

If you do not have any of the above synchronization tools deployed in your environment, I recommend using AADConnect. It also has the possibility to configure ADFS for you, so you can enjoy the full Single-sign on experience.

Software needed during configuration of hybrid search
On the SharePoint server where you are performing the configuration of hybrid search, you will need to install the following prerequisite software in this specific order.

Onboarding script
The onboarding script will create the trust between your on-premises SharePoint environment and Office 365. You can download the script along with documentation from the Microsoft Connect Site if you’re a member of the preview program.

If you do not have access to the cloud hybrid search preview program, you can request access via the link http://connect.microsoft.com/office/SelfNomination.aspx?ProgramID=8647&pageType=1. Make sure you are using the latest version prior to execution.

Creating the cloud search service application
After you have installed all the prerequisites, it’s now time to create the cloud search service application, which is pretty straightforward. You could use any script that you prefer; just add the parameter, “CloudIndex $true” to the New-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication cmdlet.

On the server that is running SharePoint Server 2013 or SharePoint Server 2016 Preview, copy the sample script below and save it as CreateCloudSSA.ps1 and run it. This will create a single-server Search Service Application topology. If you want a highly available search service infrastructure, you have to manually adjust the script to your needs.

This script was taken from: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/spses/archive/2015/09/15/cloud-hybrid-search-service-application.aspx

## Gather mandatory parameters ##    
## Note: SearchServiceAccount needs to already exist in Windows Active Directory as per Technet Guidelines https://technet.microsoft.com/library/gg502597.aspx ##    

[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $SearchServerName,      
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $SearchServiceAccount,     
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $SearchServiceAppName,     
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $DatabaseServerName     

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell -ea 0     

## Validate if the supplied account exists in Active Directory and whether supplied as domain\username    
    if ($SearchServiceAccount.Contains("\")) # if True then domain\username was used     
    $Account = $SearchServiceAccount.Split("\")     
    $Account = $Account[1]     
    else # no domain was specified at account entry     
    $Account = $SearchServiceAccount     
    $domainRoot = [ADSI]''     
    $dirSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($domainRoot)     
    $dirSearcher.filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=$Account))"     
    $results = $dirSearcher.findall()     
if ($results.Count -gt 0) # Test for user not found     
    Write-Output "Active Directory account $Account exists. Proceeding with configuration"     
## Validate whether the supplied SearchServiceAccount is a managed account. If not make it one.    
if(Get-SPManagedAccount | ?{$_.username -eq $SearchServiceAccount})      
        Write-Output "Managed account $SearchServiceAccount already exists!"     
        Write-Output "Managed account does not exists - creating it"     
$ManagedCred = Get-Credential -Message "Please provide the password for $SearchServiceAccount" -UserName $SearchServiceAccount     
        New-SPManagedAccount -Credential $ManagedCred     
         Write-Output "Unable to create managed account for $SearchServiceAccount. Please validate user and domain details"     
Write-Output "Creating Application Pool"      
$appPool = New-SPServiceApplicationPool -name $appPoolName -account $SearchServiceAccount     
Write-Output "Starting Search Service Instance"     
Start-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance $SearchServerName     
Write-Output "Creating Cloud Search Service Application"

$searchApp = New-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication -Name $SearchServiceAppName -ApplicationPool $appPool -DatabaseServer $DatabaseServerName -CloudIndex $true     
Write-Output "Configuring Admin Component"     
$searchInstance = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance $SearchServerName     
$searchApp | get-SPEnterpriseSearchAdministrationComponent | set-SPEnterpriseSearchAdministrationComponent -SearchServiceInstance $searchInstance     
$admin = ($searchApp | get-SPEnterpriseSearchAdministrationComponent)     
Write-Output "Waiting for the admin component to be initialized"     
do {Write-Output .;Start-Sleep 10;} while ((-not $admin.Initialized) -and ($timeoutTime -ge (Get-Date)))     
if (-not $admin.Initialized) { throw 'Admin Component could not be initialized'}     

Write-Output "Inspecting Cloud Search Service Application"

$searchApp = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication $SearchServiceAppName     

Write-Output "Setting IsHybrid Property to 1"     

#Output some key properties of the Search Service Application    
Write-Host "Search Service Properties"      
Write-Host "Hybrid Cloud SSA Name    : " $searchapp.Name     
Write-Host "Hybrid Cloud SSA Status  : " $searchapp.Status     
Write-Host "Cloud Index Enabled      : " $searchApp.CloudIndex     
Write-Output "Configuring Search Topology"     

$searchApp = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication $SearchServiceAppName     
$topology = $searchApp.ActiveTopology.Clone()     

$oldComponents = @($topology.GetComponents())
if (@($oldComponents | ? { $_.GetType().Name -eq "AdminComponent" }).Length -eq 0)
$topology.AddComponent((New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.Topology.AdminComponent $SearchServerName))     
$topology.AddComponent((New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.Topology.CrawlComponent $SearchServerName))     
$topology.AddComponent((New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.Topology.ContentProcessingComponent $SearchServerName))     
$topology.AddComponent((New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.Topology.AnalyticsProcessingComponent $SearchServerName))     
$topology.AddComponent((New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.Topology.QueryProcessingComponent $SearchServerName))     
$topology.AddComponent((New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.Topology.IndexComponent $SearchServerName,0))     

$oldComponents  | ? { $_.GetType().Name -ne "AdminComponent" } | foreach { $topology.RemoveComponent($_) }
Write-Output "Activating topology"     

do {Write-Output .;Start-Sleep 10;} while (($searchApp.GetTopology($topology.TopologyId).State -ne "Active") -and ($timeoutTime -ge (Get-Date)))     

if ($searchApp.GetTopology($topology.TopologyId).State -ne "Active")  { throw 'Could not activate the search topology'}     
Write-Output "Creating Proxy"     
$searchAppProxy = new-spenterprisesearchserviceapplicationproxy -name ($SearchServiceAppName+"_proxy") -SearchApplication $searchApp     
Write-Output " Cloud hybrid search service application provisioning completed successfully."     
    else # The Account Must Exist so we can proceed with the script     
    Write-Output "Account supplied for Search Service does not exist in Active Directory."     
    Write-Output "Script is quitting. Please create the account and run again."     
} # End Else

The output should look similar to figure 3.Create-SSA.ps1 output, creating a cloud search service application
Figure 3: Create-SSA.ps1 output, creating a cloud search service application

Proxy configuration for hybrid cloud search
If your organization uses a proxy to allow Internet access, you have to configure this proxy for hybrid cloud search as well. For a more in-depth article, please look at http://sharepointrelated.com/2015/12/11/cloud-hybrid-search-proxy-settings/, but for now we can just add the proxy settings to the machine config: “C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config”

Here’s an example of what this would look like:

    <proxy usesystemdefault="false" proxyaddress="" bypassonlocal="true" />

Place this anywhere between your <configuration> and </configuration> tag. To make it easier to find when you need it, you could place it right before the </configuration> tag.

Onboarding the cloud search service application
After successfully installing the prerequisites and configuring the cloud search service application, it is time to start the onboarding process. The onboarding process will create a trust between your SharePoint on-premises and Office 365 environment. This will allow SharePoint to move the index to Office 365 for further processing.

Run the onboarding script:

.\Onboard-CloudHybridSearch.ps1 -PortalUrl "https://yourtenant.sharepoint.com" -CloudSSAId "<Cloud Search Service Application name>"

Enter your Global Administrator credentials when prompted.

Figure 4 shows what your output should resemble.
Cloud hybrid search onboarding script

Figure 4: Running the cloud hybrid search onboarding script on the server that runs SharePoint Server 2013

The script changes quite frequently. The script name and the parameters have changed a bit since I ran the script. Make sure you check to see what the correct parameters are when you run the script.

Configure content source in cloud search service application
You can configure the content source in your new cloud search service application as you would in any other on-premises SharePoint environment. As Figure 5 shows, you configure the content source of the cloud search service application in Search Administration.
Configure the content source for the cloud search service application
Figure 5: In SharePoint Search Administration you can edit (configure) the content source for the cloud search service application.

Enter the start addresses that you would like to crawl and start a full crawl for the content source. After the crawl is done, check the crawl log for the specific content source to see if all went well.
Check the cloud search service application crawl logs for errors or warningsFigure 6: Check the crawl logs for any errors or warning

If you see 1 Top Lever Error with the following error message:

AzureServiceProxy caught Exception: *** Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.AzureSearchService.AzureException: AzurePlugin was not able to get Tenant Info from configuration server    
 at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.AzureSearchService.AzureServiceProxy.GetAzureTenantInfo(String portalURL, String realm, String&amp; returnPropertyValue, String propertyName)    
 at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.AzureSearchService.AzureServiceProxy.SubmitDocuments(String azureServiceLocation, String authRealm, String SPOServiceTenantID, String SearchContentService_ContentFarmId, String portalURL, String testId, String encryptionCert, Boolean allowUnencryptedSubmit, sSubmitDocument[] documents, sDocumentResult[]&amp; results, sAzureRequestInfo&amp; RequestInfo) ***

Make sure to check your proxy configuration (http://sharepointrelated.com/2015/12/11/cloud-hybrid-search-proxy-settings/).

Verifying results: perform a query in SharePoint Online
In Office 365, search for a document and it will return results for both SharePoint Online and SharePoint on-premises if cloud hybrid search is configured correctly.

Figure 7 shows example results from a search that includes the following sources:

  • SharePoint Online
  • SharePoint on-premises
  • File shares

Searching content in Office 365 returning results from both on-premises and SharePoint Online
Figure 7: Searching content in Office 365 returning results from both on-premises and SharePoint Online

If you want to return results only from your on-premises site, you can use the “isexternalcontent:1” property.

As figure 8 shows, this returns only on-premises results.
Search results only from on-premises
Figure 8: Using the isexternalcontent:1 property shows search results only from on-premises.

That’s it!

I hope this helps you use the new hybrid cloud search service application.

* All figures in this article were taken in a client’s test environment, with approval.

Office 365 Video: My first impression

I’ve had the opportunity to look into the possibilities for organizations to use Office 365 Video. Using videos within an organization can be a great way to connect to your employees. This could be a welcome video from the new CEO, a safety regulation video or training material to help new employees get on their way.

The Video portal homepage consists of a few key sections. The Spotlight area gives you the possibility to show videos, which have a strong presence on the homepage. The Popular videos section shows videos that are popular within your organization. The last section is the Spotlight channels. Here you can select 3 channels, from which you show the spotlight videos on your homepage.

Office 365 Video portal settings
Office 365 Video portal settings

The popular videos in particular is a great way to see which videos are popular in your organization. The only downside is that an administrator cannot remove or influence the popular video section.
For each video on the homepage you can see the total views and the length of the video.

Personally, I would like to have a little more control over the Office 365 Video homepage. For instance, a channel overview on the left or right side of the screen would be useful to navigate between channels. The possibility to view a video from the homepage could be easier as well, as now you have to click the context action menu (the 3 dots). A pop-up will be shown, starting the video.

Besides showing videos on your homepage, an administrator has the possibility to create channels. Permissions can be set per channel to allow only certain people (or groups) to view the videos in the channel.

When an administrator creates a channel, a SharePoint Online site collection is created in the background. This is where the video and all metadata will be saved. A copy will be sent to Azure Media services. Microsoft posted this nice video on YouTube explaining how this works behind the scene.

Start a new channel
Start a new channel

The channel creation process could be more smoothly, as the administrator is required to wait for the site collection to be created, which takes some time. When you close the window while a channel is creating, the channel will still be created, but the channel color you selected won’t be saved. It would be nice if the creation could happen behind the screens, so the administrator doesn’t have to wait for the site collection to be provisioned.

While watching a video, Office 365 Video provides you with several options. You can share the video, see the description of the video, or even comment on the video by using the inline Yammer conversation on the right side of the screen. Below the video is a list of videos that you may also like.

Video Yammer conversations
Inline Yammer conversations

Videos will be processed and displayed in Delve as well. This is a really neat feature that helps employees engage with Office 365 Video without actually navigating to Office 365 Video in the first place, as relevant videos are being showed in Delve.

In conclusion: Office 365 Video is a great initiative that has a lot of potential. At the moment of this writing, I think the service could still be improved by integrating Office 365 Video with other Office 365 services even more. In particular, some of the features that SharePoint online has, could help make Office 365 Video even better. As Office 365 Video is still a relatively new service, I expect Microsoft will make regular improvements that will add business value organizations.

If you are currently testing or using Office 365 Video, make sure to provide feedback to help improve the service. On the top right corner of each page you will find the option to send Feedback to Microsoft.


Change the URL of a site collection in SharePoint 2013

So, your manager/the business asks you to create a few site collections for some departments in your organization. You quickly spin up some site collections for them to use. After a few weeks, the business decides (of course) SharePoint is great, but the URL’s we chose weren’t all that great. Can you please change them?

There are alot of blog posts out there that describe the different possibilities in this scenario:
– Using backup and restore.
– A great article by Todd Klindt that tells you how to use the Copy-SPSite cmdlet to achieve the same goal but easier!

There is another (easier) way in some scenario’s in which you can change the site collection URL by just using 2 lines of PowerShell with only a second of waiting time!

The solution
Let’s get down to it.. I created this very nice Marketing site collection, using the url: http://sharepoint/sites/marketing. Now I would like to change this to http://sharepoint/sites/sales. Just use the following 2 lines of PowerShell code and you are done!

 $site = Get-SPSite http://sharepoint/sites/marketing

That is all.. try it out and see that your new URL is working, and the old URL is not working anymore!

A little catch
There is a little catch to this. You can only use this to rename site collection URL’s that
– Use “Wildcard inclusion” Managed Paths.
– Are Host named site collections (In which case you could also use Set-SPSiteURL)

You can’t use it to change http://sharepoint/sites/marketing to http://sharepoint/marketing (Even if the Explicit inclusion managed path exists).

Hope this helps anyone out there!

Encrypting your text-based files using PowerShell

Hi folks,

It has been a while since my last post, but here it is.

Please find the script in the TechNet Gallery here. All updates to this script will also be managed here: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Encrypting-your-text-based-d939876b.

As a SharePoint administrator I am often asked to script certain tasks. Of course, PowerShell does a great job at this, as it allows me to automate repetitive tasks.

One commonly faced issue (for me), is that whenever I am using a XML file for those tasks, I sometimes have to include a password in the XML file for some scripts to run. An example is AutoSPInstaller. Personally, I don’t think you should have your passwords in an unencrypted XML file just sitting around for some developer to find and possibly abuse it. To work around this, I created some scripts to help me address this issue.



Add-PSSnapIn Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell shortcut

Are you tired of typing Add-PSSnapIn Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell every time you open your PowerShell console?
You can do this by Adding/Editing profile.ps1 (I don’t do this because I have too many machines where I should change this)

If you find you do not want to change the profile.ps1 on every server you are working on, you can type this:

asnp *sh*

This adds all SnapIns that contain *sh*. In most cases, this will only add the Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell SnapIn.
Credits go to Koen Zomers!

Happy PowerShelling!


Restore deleted site collections SharePoint 2013

In SharePoint 2013 it is possible to restore a accidently deleted site collection. For more information, read this article: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh272537.aspx

You can use the Restore-SPDeletedSite cmdlet to restore a site collection.

However, if you removed the site collection using the Remove-SPSite cmdlet using PowerShell, the site collection will not be stored in a SPDeletedSite object.

This means you cannot restore a site collection that has been removed using PowerShell.


Add PDF mimetype for all Web Applications one-liner

By default, PDF files cannot be opened directly from SharePoint 2010/SharePoint 2013.

To add the PDF mimetype to all Web Applications (Instead of doing it seperately for each Web Application), you can use the following one-liner:

Get-SPWebApplication | %{$_.AllowedInlineDownloadedMimeTypes.Add("application/pdf");$_.Update()}

Get all subsites of a subsite

Getting a list of all subsites of a particular site (not a site collection) was a little more work than I expected, so here is how I did it.

Let’s say we have the following situation site structure:


What if we want an overview of all sites under “Https://portal.sharepointrelated.com/Projects”?

My first thought was to use the “Webs” property of the SPWeb object. Unfortunately, this only shows the direct subsites for this site. This means that for “Https://portal.sharepointrelated.com/projects”, it only shows the Level 3 sites.


To work around this, I used the “AllWebs” property of the SPSite object and filtered the URL’s starting with “Https://portal.sharepointrelated.com/projects”.

Here is the code used: (Download .zip file)

param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$StartWeb, [Boolean]$IncludeStartWeb = $true )

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$subsites = ((Get-SPWeb $StartWeb).Site).allwebs | ?{$_.url -like "$StartWeb*"}

foreach($subsite in $subsites) { Write-Host $subsite.url }

As you can see in the source code, I added 2 parameters to the script:

StartWeb: String. This is the starting URL. All subsites under this site will be showed in the result.

IncludeStartWeb: Boolean. When set to $false, the output will not include the URL provided in the StartWeb parameter.

Remove Bulk users from User Information List (people picker)

This post will describe how you can remove users in bulk using a PowerShell script and a simple CSV file.

In SharePoint 2010, the people picker retrieves data from multiple sources.

– The Site Collection’s User Information List (UIL);
– Active Directory.

When you delete a user from Active Directory, this will not mean the user isn’t searchable in SharePoint. Actually, if you look for this person in the people picker, you will probably find him/her. As the data is pulled from different sources, there may be several causes for this.

Assuming the user is really deleted from the Active Directory, I will give you some pointers as to how to “delete” the users from the People picker.

I have a user called Kim Akers in my Contoso environment. She has permissions on several sites/subsites, and placed documents and list items in multiple places.


She also has a MySite.


For some reason, Kim is fired. The Active Directory administrators remove her account from Active Directory.

However, when I look at the People Picker in SharePoint, I can still find this user.


Why is this happening?

Every user that is given direct permissions, or has logged in to SharePoint, will be added to the Site Collection’s User Information List. This is a hidden list, that you can access by going to your site collection’s URL and add /_catalogs/users/simple.aspx. For instance: http://portal.contoso.com/_catalogs/users/simple.aspx.

This will show a list of all users that have logged in on your SharePoint. Sure enough, Kim can still be found here, even though her account has been deleted in Active Directory.



To remove the user from the information list, you can use the GUI. If you want more information on how to do this, read this article. Also, make sure the profile for this user is not in the Profile Database. You can remove users from the Profile Database directly by going to Central Administration -> Application Management -> Manage Service Application -> Click your User Profile Service Application -> Manage User Profiles -> Find profile by entering the name -> Select the name in the list, and click Delete.

In my case, I wanted to remove a list of users from All site collections, because I am certain that these users will never log in again, and I don’t want them to show in the people picker. The below script will do just that!

[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -Include “*.csv”})]

#This script will remove users specified in the CSV.

$CSVFile = Import-CSV $CSVPath
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -EA SilentlyContinue

#Get all site collections
$Sites = Get-SPSite -Limit All
$AllSites = @()
foreach($Line in $CSVFile)
foreach($Site in $Sites)
#Get the rootweb for the site collection
        $RootWeb = $Site.RootWeb
If([bool](Get-SPUser $Line.Username -Web $RootWeb -EA SilentlyContinue) -eq $True)
#Remove the user from the User Information List
        Remove-SPUser -Identity $Line.username -Web $RootWeb -Confirm:$False
$AllSites += $RootWeb.Url
if(!($AllSites).count -eq 0)
#Give feedback on deleted users
Write-Host “Removed user $($Line.username) from:” -Fore “Magenta”
foreach($S in $AllSites){Write-Host “- $S”}
Write-Host “”
$AllSites = @()

I save the above text in a .ps1 file called Remove-SPUserBulk.ps1.

Next, I create a CSV file (Users.csv) that will contain all the users that I want to remove. My demo CSV looks like this:


As you can see, I added a non-existing account, to show that the script actually just deletes the existing user, and the output is correct. I run the script by going to the location where the Remove-SPUserBulk.ps1 file is located, and enter: “Remove-SPUSerBulk.ps1 -CSVPath “C:\scripts\Users.csv”.

Below is the result.


Be aware that if the user is a site collection administrator, you will get an error stating you cannot delete the owners of a Web site collection.